Main Window
The main window can be subdivided roughly into four areas:
- Sender - The representation assumes that the implementation of the Sliding-Window protocol takes place on Stack n. Layer n+1 represents the "data-supplier" for the protocol. It is represented through the text-input-field. One can hand over individual data-packages with "Step" button. So that the animation speed can be adjusted by clicking on it with the right mouse button one can choose the protocol to be simulated.
- Receiver - It is similar to the sender. The only difference is that the step button here controls the data transfer from the layer n+1 to the layer n. The received Packets is presented in the input text field. By clicking on it with the right mouse button one can choose the protocol to be simulated.
- Channel - Represent the network channel. By clicking on it with the right mouse button. One can simulate errors.
- History-Chart - One can adjust the number of messages to be displayed in this area.
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