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Tree Topology

A tree topology combines characteristics of linear bus and star topologies. It consists of groups of star-configured workstations connected to a linear bus backbone cable. Tree topologies allow for the expansion of an existing network and enable schools to configure a network to meet their needs.

  1. Advantages of a Tree Topology
    • Point-to-point wiring for individual segments.
    • Supported by several hardware and software vendors.
  2. Disadvantages of a Tree Topology
    • Overall length of each segment is limited by the type of cabling used.
    • If the backbone line breaks, the entire segment goes down.
    • More difficult to configure and wire than other topologies.
  3. Rule (Ethernet)

A consideration in setting up a tree topology using Ethernet protocol is the 5-4-3 rule. One aspect of the Ethernet protocol requires that a signal sent out on the network cable reach every part of the network within a specified length of time. Each concentrator or repeater that a signal goes through adds a small amount of time. This leads to the rule that between any two nodes on the network there can only be a maximum of 5 segments, connected through 4 repeaters/concentrators. In addition, only 3 of the segments may be populated (trunk) segments if they are made of coaxial cable. A populated segment is one which has one or more nodes attached to it. The furthest two nodes on the network have 4 segments and 3 repeaters/concentrators between them.

This rule does not apply to other network protocols or Ethernet networks where all fiber optic cabling is used.

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