- Using Salvage
When Salvage starts up, the banner at the top of the window tells, which directory is active. Press Alt / Return to have the Salvage window occupy the whole screen for better visibility.
- To select an action, use the arrow keys to highlight it
- To carry out an action, press the Return key once it has been selected.
- To cancel any option, and go back to the previous stage, press the Esc key.
- Set Salvage Options is used to select the way in which Salvage will sort the files it finds (For e.g.: by Name or by Date).
Choose a file for recovery on the basis of its name, date, time and especially its size (if this is not similar to the orginal file, then the salvaged file is unlikely to contain anything useful). Press Return when a suitable file is highlighted to cause Salvage to place it on F drive (it will then disappear from Salvage's list). If a file of the same name already exists on F Drive, Salvage will prompt for a new name for the recovered file.
To exit Salvage, press Esc until the Exit Salvage menu appears with Yes highlighted, then press the Return key.